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Press Contact Information

If you represent the media and want to gather additional information, conduct interviews, or film operations at the Emergency Volunteer Center (EVC), please contact Nancy Olson at 818-581-6204.

General Guidelines for Interviews and Filming at EVC

To schedule interviews and/or filming at an EVC location, please contact Nancy Olson at 323-450-5085. Please be aware of the following guidelines:

  • A designated PIO will be on-site at the EVC to facilitate media logistics and requests. Because of the critical importance of accurate information being reported during a disaster, we recommend consulting the PIO where there is uncertainty about any critical information to be reported.


  • The PIO can identify EVC staff and/or volunteers to be interviewed inside the EVC. We ask that interviews are not conducted inside the EVC without getting authorization from EVC management due to the sensitive nature of EVC operations.


  • The PIO can identify government and nonprofit partners, such as LA County Office of Emergency Management, LA City Emergency Management Department, and American Red Cross, to be interviewed inside the EVC.


  • Only authorized media will be allowed to film inside the EVC. Activity of interest may include:
    • Volunteers being interviewed as part of the intake process;
    • Volunteers receiving their volunteer assignment briefing;
    • EVC management giving the situation briefing to a new EVC staff shift
    • EVC management coordinating with government and nonprofit partners (i.e. L.A. County Office of Emergency Management; Red Cross)
    • Volunteers working at a nonprofit agency to support disaster-related needs (off-site)

Current Volunteer Statistics

(updated 10/18/12 at 12:12pm)

* 1,078 volunteers registered since EVC activation

300 volunteers referred to support nonprofit agencies in Los Angeles

* 50 requests for volunteers from nonprofit agencies in Los Angeles

* 450 volunteers requested by nonprofit agencies in Los Angeles

* 66% of volunteers requested have been filled

* 1,500 estimated volunteer hours given to nonprofit agencies in Los Angeles through the SFV Wildfire EVC

* $30,000 estimated economic impact of volunteers coordinated by the SFV Wildfire EVC
Sign-up to receive regular email updates on the San Fernando Valley Wildfires and any disaster-related volunteer requests that are placed. 

You can also connect with us on Twitter   for ongoing updates.

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